Requires Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid to play.
Includes all the Kickstarter exclusives and stretch goals from the Phase 1 Power Rangers Kickstarter!
- Green with Evil Expansion
- Scorpina Figure
- 8 Scorpina Master Cards
- 1 Scorpina Deployment Card
- Evil Green Ranger Figure
- 8 Evil Green Ranger Monster Cards
- 1 Evil Green Ranger Deployment Card
- 12 Tenga Warriors Figures
- 10 Tenga Warrior Deployment Cards
- 10 Tenga Warrior Foot Soldier Cards
- 2 Location Boards
- White Light Expansion
- White Ranger Figure
- 10 White Ranger Combat Cards
- 1 White Ranger Character Card
- 1 White Ranger Zord Card
- Lord Zedd Figure
- 8 Lord Zed Master Cards
- 1 Lord Zedd Deployment Card
- 12 Z Putty Patroller Figures
- 10 Z Putty Deployment Cards
- 10 Z Putty Patroller Foot Soldier Cards
- 2 Location Boards
- Rita Repulsa Alternate Sculpt
- 6 Putty Patrollers
- 6 Tenga Warriors
- 6 Super Putty Patrollers
- 6 Z Putty Patrollers
- Finster
- Wizard of Deception
- Pumpkin Rapper
- 5 Retro Ranger Cards
- Hero Green Ranger
- Red Ranger Dragon Shield
- Robo Goat
- Hero Ranger Slayer
- Primator
- Deluxe Storage Box
- Rhinoblaster
- Goldar
- Alpha 5
- White/Green Retro Cards
- Eye Guy
- Aisha, Adam, Rocky, and Kat Ranger Character Cards
Limited Quantities available!